More stretched tires bullshit

Hellaflush Hawaii

I’m trying to organize a meet as close to this as possible sometime in early August on StanceWorks, Canibeat will be present :thumb

How do you hate on those Illest people or whatever they are, yet you are all about or whatever

Nah I don’t “hate” on Illest, I “hate” on the random ass people that put their shit on their car and rock it like they’re bosses. If you’re supporting them or whatever that’s fine I guess I don’t really care at all but people seem to think that if they have that on their car then their car and themselves are automatically “ill” :lol

Also, I’m not “all about” Canibeat, if Dave Tormey of NJ is going to be photographing an event that I’m helping to organize I think I have more of a tie to them than some random guy in TX rocking an illest/fatlace sticker and thinking he’s the coolest thing since sliced bread because of it.


One last thing and then I’m done arguing about this shit :lol . It’s like people with BMWs, some of the owners are assholes and think they’re almighty, give the rest of the regular people who own them a bad rap. Do ya follow me or am I talking to a wall here?

Oh and FYI my stickerbomb dealio contains many stickers, Canibeat is included, Fatlace/Illest is not :thumb

I’m not really into that shit, but that was dope.

idk, i liked all the crazy fitment and stretch at first but it just seems impractical and a waste of money now

Good vid, some nice 240s’

It’s odd that all those guys ordered the wrong sized tires.

I can get behind the cars running the real low offsets and stretched tires, but those ‘VIP’ cars with the wheels tucked halfway into the fenders just look dumb.

We are almighty. Come and join us. :lol

Re: Canitbeat/Fatlace/Illest are these energy drinks?


Im gonna slam the Caprice, get some adapters + spacers for some Cadillac wheels. Then stretch some small ass tires over them so they beat the fuck out of my fender wells…VIP baby.


Yeah I REALLLY dont understand some of the “logic” that goes behind these cars. Take a nice Lexus(or whatever) slam it on the ground so it rides like shit, beat the hell out of the 1/4’s so your wheels that are too big will kinda fit which leaves youre panels wrinkled up, and think its the coolest shit ever.

It’s not for everybody.

I personally think most of the cars in the vid look like shit, for the record :lol

Dont get me wrong, I like cars like Daves VW, but the majority of the cars in that particular scene suck imo

Some sick cars. I like the song in the video.

I love the flush look, not as much a fan of the camber that can come with it though. I like a nice strait up and down wheel.

Red S13 hatch is moneeeyyyy

Yeah that shits all a waste of money. Absolutely a terrible investment all around. Not only will you not get 1/2 your money back, you wont get any satisfaction from using whatever was bought.

what in the fuck are you talking about