How long have you had your current cell phone number?

Just as the title says.
Since there are a plethora of post pics of stuff threads today, feel free to post pics of your first cell phone too.

My personal number was started in December 1998.
Got the new Nokia 918 hottness. I was too cool for middle school.

The oldest number currently on my account, now my mom’s, had a service start of July 1995, with this high tech Radio Shack piece of machinery.

Meh, when I finally left WNY and eventually settled in ATL, I was gone for good and had no reason to keep my 585 #. So about 3 years.

eh, i’ve had mine for ~7 yrs now I believe.

wow… this is the first time I’ve clicked into a thread and seen zero posts (joe’s blocked)

anyway, based on the title I have had mine for 5 years.

my posts are worth getting fired from 40% of the jobs people have on here

7-8 years…i’ll never give it up either…too good :slight_smile:

4 years

I got my current number way back in 'ought-two.

I had a couple of Nokia candy bars and a V66 right around then, don’t know which came first.

Before that I had some StarTAC hotness on Cellular One or some shit, and a prepaid gig in highschool that was a bit reminiscent of Zack Morris.

about 8-9 years or so

I called 867-5309 and you didnt answer…?

8 yrs and counting…

6 yrs

I’ve had my number for about 7-8 years.

4 years

since 2002

Since November 2000 for my active 607 #.

However the number everyone has now is less than 1 year.



if you call that number her name is suzie. i swear to god. i know her.

ive had mine since i was a senior in hs.

and xwalkerx has the best cell number ever

I have this same exact model downstairs.
I remember whipping this thing out in high school to call my parents. lol.
It was pretty old.

Everyone else had these new things and were text messaging and what not.
and I have this giant prepaid thing with a ghetto phone cover my mom insisted belongs on there.
Haha. =S

I have a Razr V3xx now, had it since last summer. Got a new phone number then.