For Howie...


What is that thing? A phone for people who don’t need a phone?

No camera? No syncing with my exchange server?

Just phone calls? :bloated:


So this is gasp a phone… and only a gasp phone? Wow… terrible marketing plan, even my mom uses her camera phone lol.

LOL I remember Howies old startec

parents had a startac up until 2 weeks ago when they finally got new ones, I had to use it for a couple months… Same cell phone for 12 years :lol:

I didn’t have a startac :slight_smile:

I had a timeport 8767

That fucking shit ROCKED.

i had a timeport too…looked like a silver startac …but was way leeter

i miss my tri-color timeport, best phone, best talk time, batt life and PHONEBOOK EVER!!!

I miss my motorola bagphone, that shit was pimp. Man you get some funny looks getting it activated back in 2001, can’t imagine how they would react now.


i miss my tri-color timeport, best phone, best talk time, batt life and PHONEBOOK EVER!!!


I concur.

Oh, you left out BEST RECEPTION ever.