How many NYspeeders work more than 1 job?

same deal here. public accountant but still do a longer shift cooking on saturdays (when not in busy season). covers most of my bills and spending so I can bank almost my entire salaried paycheck.

dont have to work 2 but choose to.

anyone know how to edit the poll??

one job, i make more than enough here…

lol i guess once you start you can stop cooking

I miss cooking but I dont think I could do it again. I cant wait to go back to school.

not necessarily. i wont pass up an opportunity to make money. valet pays alright and all the side jobs i do (ie. floors, barbacking, concrete work) and i go to school full time, so i guess you could say im pretty busy.

True, but as you get further north of ~50k, the motivation to spend your free time doing more work instead of having fun goes down.

x2 i cant even answer it either.

I make decent money at my one job but I have considered getting a part time for some extra cash.

Is there anyone out there that would have absolutely no use for extra cash?

I mean, even warren buffett or bill gates…Toilet paper? Fire starter?

Cant pay the bills on one job just started part time working for BJ’s Odd Jobs we do gutter cleaning shopping for old people taking out your trash little bit of ironing fixing cars will beat up people who owe you money etc. PM me if you need an odd job done ill hook you up with a free bag of bird seed.


Thanks Fry. Joe is right, if I was making 40 or 50 a year I would not be taking a second job. Oh well, it will do until i can get back to school and make some real money. i do not see myself working 2 jobs for the rest of my life.

Just one here. :slight_smile:

Idk I make some good bank and I would still like to pick up a valet job down here.

Maybe fri/sat nights or something.

work at the salon, while still building a clientele and bartend a few nights

I work a 9-5 and random nights/weekends fix/upgrade peoples broken volkswagens… some months are full and some lack work. I like them both equally, free time and money… :slight_smile:

urban, docli, buffalo club, janosz school of goaltending

4 jobs bitchez

i would gladly take one 9-5, i just dont want to drive 30 minutes every day

can you hook me up with some Subway?

I thought they fired him because of all the free handouts?