how many people post from their phone?

is it completely insane that I am on my phone right now? I know our generation has a permanent link to the internet but do you think it’s getting out of hand? I think we have all lost any “time off” and have no time to relax anymore. I know tons of people use their internet while watching tv, post online from their phones etc.

where do we draw the line or should we not worry about it?

Posting on NYSpeed is a choice…

I get emails from work all hours of day/night :lol:

I post from my Centro. I usually don’t check it unless I am selling something and want to get back to people asap.

I can post from my phone on any forum but this one…don’t know why lol. Perhaps its for the better.

I try not to, although if I get an email about a PM on this forum, or any of the other ones that I’m on I will usually check them and look around for a bit.

Most of my posting is done from my phone.

I post from my phone most of the time. As a matter of fact this post is from my iPhone. It makes surfing the web super easy.

I post from the shitter. j/k

alot from the wifeys I phone… especially when im waiting for her…

very rarely since I am in front of a computer all the time

I do my best to stay off the internet as much as possible. In fact, I’d say, when I’m not at work, I’m on the internet about an hour a week. Honestly. And I have no internet on my phone. I don’t even have text. It’s too impersonal.

That explains why you don’t reply!

I love you guys here at NYspeed, but not enough to think about you when I’m away from my computer. Sorry :wiggle:

eh… i do sometimes when im bored

If I was in front of a computer all day at work, I probably would never post from my phone.

i post from my phone but on the weekends i try and not turn on the computer or my phone all weekend or vaca

Never. I try not to come online when I’m at home too often either. I’d much rather be staying busy outside, or in the garage.

Plus, why go on at home when I can wait, and have more new posts to look at during work lol.

on lunch i will post from my ipod in the mall. otherwise no i do not.

thats where my first post came from…

I never post from my phone. I also never really post from home.

ya pretty much a work poster here,