Where do You post from most of the time? (survey)

I’m curious how many member’s post MOSTLY FROM WORK vs. MOSTLY FROM HOME.
I often wonder about these silly things while I’m bored at work watching walter’s money grow invalue.

Notice, this is who posts from work, not hs -or- college. You gotta be paid to post in this vote :wink:

I post from work but I really shouldn’t. You know when I am having a busy and productive day because you will not see me here from 8-5.

work most of the time

getting paid right now

making some $$ right now


~95% of my posting is from work.

Which is nice, on Mondays I generally have 4-5 pages to read up on from the weekend. Thursdays I have catch up from being off on Wednesday. :slight_smile:


usually from work…

gotta get paid to do soemthing…might as well be post :slight_smile:


if i had more to do, i’d be on here a lot less.

no computer access at work…can only post from home

school isn’t one of the choices, this poll sucks

from home… no comps at work, i just bust my ass there instead.

I post at school alot…best part about going to school for comps, always have interweb access.

my frends houses due to the fact that my home cpu is 56k…i hate using my home cpu…they dont offer anything but 56k past rt.240