Who hangs out at Shift518 instead of work?

So who hangs out on shift during their work shift? I spend wayyy more time on here while at work then at home.

not me :ninja

only time I’m on shift is when I’m at work :smiley:

+1… theres nothing better to do, my excitement for the day is going to best buy in about 30 mins to get a DVI to VGA adapter…

Really, all I do is go on here…


ya im only on here at work. i always have a tab open with shift in it. work sucks. shift great!

#1 Time Stealer right here.

I do the exact same thing.

Im always on in class

haha +1


You need unlimited data on your cell so you can browse while at work.

Lot’s of downtime at my job, Shift fills it in nicely.

i sure do

im on at school, other than that i’ll check in every once in awhile when im at home

Depends how busy I am, but I’ll be on Shift even in the lab and at meetings :lol
I’m probably active on Shift about 4 hours while at work and than another 3-4 when home.

I check at home and school. Use to when I worked full time at the hospital

hangs head and lift arm up
right here

Is that a Suzuki Swift in your avatar?!

LAWL Who deleted my post?
