The Workchat Thread

If you’re at work this thread is for you.

I have to poop. 51 minutes to go :frowning:

Hopefully this thread stays work safe :lol that would suck!

I am here until probably 5 today, but I have tomorrow off!


Yeah I have tomorrow off too, 3 day weekend FTW. I am about to fall asleep right now, can’t wait to go home and take a nap.

im at work. just had my 2:30 pewp and then meal. nom nom

Im at work also. Bored as hell. Half day tomorrow then 9 days off wooohooo. then work for 9 and off for four.

I’m at work. I have hit road block after road block today. Stuck here till 5 too.

here at work til 5. starting to pick up a bit tho so hopefully the time will seem to go by a bit quicker. what does everyone do?

Software Developer

i design weapons of mass destruction

We are moving our data center from here to Texas…so tomorrow and this weekend = on call and having to come in from 7pm to who knows when. But hey, I get to wear jeans and whatever t-shirt I want…none of this jeans + dress shoes + collared shirt crap. Don’t know why, but I’m happy about that lol.

Monday is going to SUCK since I’m going to bet a lot of stuff isn’t going to work very well due to the distance, etc. etc.

I was originally supposed to drive to TX tomorrow with another coworker and deliver a truck load of servers (28hr drive - can’t stop for anything but gas and food), but they decided to pay a company to do it.

Be glad you can wear jeans during the day. Its dress slacks, dress shoes, belt, and button down here. And ties when we have high profile guests (county/state execs) coming in.

Testing software is not a fun time

Some times writing it is worse. But yea, testing is generally not to fun. But its also not very hard.

I put shit on eBay for NYS. Work attire as follows jeans, polo, Nike dunks. Tattoos are optional haha.

Sometimes i need to think a little but im so used to doing the test plans im used to it

yeah its pretty laid back here. i could wear pajama pants if i felt like it.

I have to wear that every day. I wear a tie about once or twice a week.

They actually just canceled the move…I’m about to go into a meeting to find out exactly what’s going on…should be interesting.

Wow…to cancel something like that is big.

We’re moving all our downtown servers into my building in a couple of weeks. Its going to be a nightmare.

Yeah…we’re owned by this other company which is changing everything up. They are moving us and another insurance company into one location with them.

Well I hope they do it in August. I’ll be in Ukraine then. lol.

I’m in a full suit everyday and have to do cold calling in it as well. Days like today where it’s so humid out absolutely SUCKS!