Looks like an old Honda (EF maybe) or a Mazda 323.
:shifty False alarm.
it is a suzuki swift. one that i will own shortly( not as nice) its a gt/gti made them for a few years back in the early 90’s
Jesse = Fail.
I post while I’m at work as well… Wait a minute… I don’t have a job.
Post edited to protect those involved.
I need a job like you guys!
I keep a pistol in my desk drawer for the day that i come to work and the shift website is down
That there is dedication.
Ya’ll should be taking notes.
When it’s not a busy day, I definitely spend a little more time on from work than from home…
Yea, i work and browse on downtime, I have my own office so it’s not a big deal.
:rofl :rofl I guess I owe you a beer.
Part of my job requirements is to fill a Shift quota.
I spend half the day on the phone with morons trying to make deals happen. Thankfully I can do that and post at the same time.
Quoted for reference.
Don’t trust JClark
Hence why it was quoted. If he does not pay for said beer, I will break the bottle on the bar and use it as a shank.
Sorry mang, money’s tight these days.
Quoted for reference.
If I dont buy you a beer, what will you break on the bar to shank me? Catch-22 - what will you do?