just curious...

wondering who knows who on here, was thinking if everyone posted who they knew from the forum it might be interesting.

list who you know “in real life” from the forum

dude … i dont have that kind of energy lololol

quite a few lol

yeah me either lol…but I will say, I probably know a good 85% of people on here. Whether I’m friends with them or have met them once or a few times somewhere

i am just wondering i guess because i know very few people on here.

too many to count for me

almost every frequent poster

I dont know many at all…

I’ve met VOT.Snoopy Snooper, and Dave (with the tC)

Oh, And i also met Neo187H to give him a db meter, and i think i sold vlad an eclipse cd player years back, probably through the apg boards

I know this clown.

DA FUCK YOU TALKING ABOUT? i dont know you!


Heres a short list:
PJB lives a street over from my gram
Went to school with mcflurry/91teg/82exp/Crisone24/tom snare/94slow5.0 hot sister. :rofl :hug/others
Lifted up k20s car at the lot and moved it with others
I wraped Shadys car in industrial shrink wrap at the lot
Almost all of the shift Regulars have hung out/what ever. Shit half of shift went to gpny last year. and then in 08 we had meets everymonth for something… most of the old timers :tongue like mk430r/votblindub/Vlad/cossey/etc where all on APG fourms (pre 06)
idk how long the list would be for most of us.

I am friends or have at least met the majority of the people who frequently post on here