New Guy

I just joined the forum…Looks great! I drive a black 01 Lightning. I used to go to the old lot by McDonalds all the time. When it go shut down my buddies and I have started going to the lot next door by Moe’s. It kinda sucks tho!! There is a low turnout and its a bunch of idiots. My question is where is everyone meeting up now??/? I promise we are NOT a bunch of stupid nooobs! We are just a couple of car guys like urselves looking for somewhere to meet.

There are quite a few threads going on about this. Welcome to the board! Nice screen name :lol;topicseen

That is the latest discussion on who’s going where and when.

WOW sorry stupid mistake…end this thread its in the wrong section

I already moved it over :lol

We all make mistakes.

Enjoy your stay :nod