how many PM's you got atm??

hey, i’ve 140pm’s. i didn’t delete any. i think i’ve got the highest.

top three highest PM’s win a brand new 5 subject notebook.


:fail :lock :pete

how many PM’s you got ass to mouth? :pete

I got like 202 or something.

182, this thread is stupid

this thread does not suck because its got a prize for the winner.

just give me the notebook i need one

get your pm’s up and we can work suttin out.

orrr if the winner wants a plastic snow sled that could be arranged.



~157 not counting the 30 or so i just deleted last tuesday


Ive got 194 lol

82 but ive deleted some a whole ago

24 but i delete them regularly




I call your bluff. Pix or lies.

Lies. That’s not how many PM’s you have. That’s how much I owe on my car.