how much work would be needed if.......

i put an s14 exhaust on an s13?

would it require A LOT to make it fit?

or just a few cuts here and there?


I “think” its mostly in the different hanger positions…don’t quote me on that.

BTW if you ever want to sell the trust DD…ill be interested :wink:

if i do sell the trust dd, it will be at least $800. bought BRAND NEW and used for less than 1 year.

oh, i forgot to mention. 99.9% chance of it being the only one in Canada.

hey samson we can test fit it on my car :stuck_out_tongue:

the difference is the the finaly bend before the muffler and the hangers on the muffler. i put my s13 exhaust on the s14 changed the muffler and had to make hangers for it.

I think my Legalis R is for an S14, well that is what it says on it with a marker and it does not fit the best but it works. Might sit a little low, Just try it out MR man

p.s. Is it not great having super awsome and rare Exhaust Sammy!