How not to retrieve a boat

Pulled into Niawanda Park and got to watch this Mensa candidate in action tonight. When she said, “you have to back it up a little farther” I was as excited as a kid on Christmas. Unfortunately I didn’t get to have up close video of a shitty Jeep floating away since they decided that was far enough and managed to pull the pontoon boat out.

I love the look on the guy’s face on the dock behind them in the full res version. Also, the bubbles clearing coming from the exhaust at the rear bumper.

FS: Jeep with freshly washed carpets. Minor electrical issues.

Part of me really wanted to explain what that shiny silver winch right in front of her face was for, and how it allows you to pull the boat up onto the trailer without submerging your car, but the evil side of me won out and I just went for the camera hoping the truck was about to float away.

Isn’t that even worse than a Liberty (I never imagined…), the Dodge Nitro?

The guy in the background tethering his boat also looks more interested in watching than helping. At his age, I’m sure it’s not the first time he’s been audience to this.

HAHAHAH OMG Did this with a friend, I was bringing in his jetski and he submerged his Trailblazer on the ramp…still remember seeing the fishtail of water and then his baseball gear started floating into the harbor. He filled the interior up to the back seats and had water in the spare wheel well for months…ahh memories

Why am I not surprised that someone who bought a Dodge Nitro wound up in this predicament?

ROFL. Nice work catching that pic.

Get in there real deep like

Could have been deeper


One of my favorite activities is hanging out near a busy public boat ramp and watching stuff like this. Nice catch for sure.

I forgot to mention that Tonawanda Police rolled up, stopped their car about 20 feet from the water, shook their heads and left while the truck was parked that deep in the water. I understand the disgust but it was pretty unprofessional not to stick around since this could have turned into a police/rescue response issue in a hurry.

HAHA Classic idiots. I went on a buddy of mine’s sail boat last week and I had to warn him about submerging the car so far. He was in so far the tailpipes were underwater.

Related Video:

With a vehicle that shitty, you don’t pull the boat out with the truck you push the truck out with the boat.

You should have told him he needed to back up further.

lol nice catch.

I don’t see a problem there, my buddy used to put his jet ski in the back of his s-10 blazer. He’d back the blazer up until the back started to flood and would pull the ski out. Went in the same way. LoL

It was also a $1000 beater though lol