first thread I ever participated in was an arguement with 88Cutty, where he was bashing on imports.
first two real big meets were on one night. The 2001 North Park Maxima meet, and then meeting up with the Hybrid guys in Mt. Pleasant, then cruising down to Uniontown to race. I beat Shane in his Eclipse. Kolar beat a C4 Vette with his Jackson Supercharged Si. Eric had the Type-R, and would have slapped you if you even asked him if he would ever go forced induction with it. Griz had the GS Eclipse with the aftermarket turbo. Rozzo had the Green/Carbon fiber Sentra.
Fall 01: Meeting Whitey the frirst day of my freshman year at RMU. We’d traded PM’s when he saw I was going to RMU, and met up when I got there. He showed me some cool windey roads, then he took me to Crafton. Ended up forgetting that my dad was coming with furniture and he had to sit and wait 30 min for us to get back.
Meeting Jake in the Ikea parking lot in Robinson then cruising down to the strip and meeting Carebear. He was 16, and had a black box in his car that recorded if he sped/hard accelleration cause he got a 110 in a 55 speeding ticket. Not because he was young and careless, but because people had told him that cops almost always just let kids go if they get caught going that fast.
Darkstar vs. Logik v.god knows how many times.
Standing in the QSL parking lot talking to Silverlude and Phil96Se and some other random kid. Ask them whats up with that Logik dude. Talk some shit on him. Turns out the other kid is logik.
Beating Jakes ass in the Prelude.
Meeting up at 2:00 in the morning with some random kid that came on the board talking mad shit who happened to live in Moon. He “guarantees” that his Sentra would destroy my shit box Honda. Me and whitey call him out and go meet him. Two runs down the highway next to the airport. I put like 5 cars on him each time. :kekegay:
Redass. First time any of us met him was at South Park on a Sunday. He told us that “we’d hear him coming from a mile away” cause of all this crazy motorwork and shit he had done to the internals of his “Greystallion”. Some douche pulls in the lot in a grey mustang real fast, and then starts revving the shit out of his damn near stock (maybe flowmasters) exhaust. we look at each other and are like “that cant be him…” It was. If only we knew what was to come. 
Eating wings at Fatheads when Whitey emphatically offers to put a Zex nitrous kit on his credit card for the Prelude on the down low so as to embarass FlyRy in a much hyped “race for badges” bout. We met up to race, but it rained.
Meeting up with the “Midnight Racing Club” in Sewickley. They had a phatty website and one of the guys even had a Camaro. Went to their first big race. It was fun. Right up until about 11:30, when they said they all had to go home because they were on their junior licenses and had to be home by 12.
Ended up talking to the kid with the blue camaro, got him on the board. Now he makes a living sucking cock for nickels out in California. Recently bought a Z06 too, so he must be sucking a lot of cocks.
Darkstar being threatened with a physical beating by:
PewterSS (weekly, since he joined the board).
lotustunedsuspension/xjackx/whatever the hell his new name is
BlackWS6 (probably. if he never did, he at least typed it out and then decided to delete it before posting it.)
giving Roland unthinkable amounts of shit for fagging out and buying a WS6.
The rise and fall of
The hilarious antics and unbridled hilarity/entertainment of a Zexlude moderated forum. Having ITR41 completly convinced and enraged to the prospect of violence that Logik had hacked his account, and was constantly fucking with his posts when it was me doing it with my moderator powers. :kekegay:
if anyone cares, I’ll post more.