How old were you when you first had sex?

nah if there was a bet on this i’de have to say he prolly pimpin, it doesnt matter how u look anyways… john you know that

Good start, kid. Once you start ho’ing with the big boys you will just remember them by the situation (girl w/dirty apartment, etc), and you’ll still forget about some of them.

1 day old I came out of the g-spot :excited:ahh:rofl

ya for real the malta chick the foriegn italian chick the def underage but its ok cuz i didnt know chick etc

na shes still the same

she rides her horse weekly and works out every night. She’s a in shape finatic.

14 she was 13, only got one thrust in b4 her dad knocked down the door and through me out in my boxers…

didnt get any again until 16 she was 15.

same chick?

:retardclap -1

:rofl are u fucking serious?!?!? haha that sucks so bad :ahh

yea literally only 1 thrust took me a good 30 seconds just to get it in way too young to be having sex had no clue wtf i was doin lmao

and no it wasnt the same chick when i was 16. i broke up with the first girl because she moved like 20 minutes away from me, which lets face it, is a lot when you dont drive lol. Also i wasnt welcomed back to her house hahah

hahahaha that sux balls



i was 22, she was 11. I don’t take no for an answer.

rofl arent u like 19

pics or…well you know.

man haha thats awesome, musta lost your wood REAL FAST when he grabbed you and threw u out the house. his daughter must of pissed herself as well

that story is great…

18 she was 17. were married now. no kids, and very happy. 4 yr anni this nov.

holly shit, and congrats thats rare as hell

i think so. i guess we just work well together. thanks bro.

thats awesome dude, congrats.