How old were you when you first had sex?

true story i was 5 on the playground in kindergarten play house.

there was penetration.

one week later i was in a different kindergarten class

wtf haha how do you do that in kindergarden

you never saw daddy trying to jump over mommy by accident one night?

I thought thats what mommys and daddys did before sleeping so we did it on the play ground

:wow :wtf

No, I’m 23. lol

ohh lol alrighty well congrats on scoring a young girl i guess…


Lasted 20 seconds.

thats really sad.


Yeaaahhh i remember like, playing doctor/truth or dare/house/take off pants and dry hump when i was like 5-8 years old…but no penetration…that’s pretty weird.

20 seconds SICK!, how long did it take him to get it in properly :rofl

Bah. I was on top. He didn’t do anything but splooge too soon and ruin everything.

it usually takes 20 second to like push yourself all the way in and get all nice and slippy

Okay, fine. Twenty seconds of slippy, then splooge ten seconds later.

thats like 5 pumps.


I did that to an ex once though cause she had pissed me off earlier and was really horny. So I focused as hard as i could and popped in definitely less than 1 minute. Then rolled over and went to sleep.

She actually then realized i was mad and apologized shortly after lol

u has a small dik, nuf said.

thats why I date small girls. Small girls think my dick is huge.

When they complain that being on top hurts or bottoming out hurts its like an ego booster

ha ha

this isnt always true. i have dated some tall women, like 5’10 and i would bottom out. but my last gf was 5’1 and i couldnt. disapointed i was. :frowning:

i’ve never come across that. But i guess it really depends on how their pelvis is set up and what not

i can tell u one thing, u will never bottom out on a black chick. o no no no. not unless u have Rhino syndrom on ur side.