How the Farm/Government operates....

The little red hen should just slaughter the other farm animals, eat some, and sell the rest back to the owner.

after all the bills are payed and the paychecks( including my own refer to pay cut to start new business ) are cut and the bank payments are done it wont be much more than that. its a small company and the economy is not the best.


utter bullshit

i think i got it. you can go in business for yourself you just are not aloud to make a profit. moral of story.:banghead:

This is a perfect example of out we’re talking about

Seriously if you guys are just going to sprout the most radical stereotypes of the left and apply them to everyone who thinks different from you than you might as well live in a cave for the next 8 years.

Or here is a thought…come up with a plan to fix healthcare, put people to work and get people a proper education in this country.

You guys had your people in office for a decade and did nothing to make the country better. I can’t even think of one major accomplishment by the Bush administration on domestic issues.

If the Little Red Hen purchased bread from Walmart she would certainly have time to work and consequently enough money to buy an excessively large coop once she finds a nice cock.

She might even have money to buy floating candles.

And she could be a negligent mother!

it’s not about republican or democrat… they are both contributing to the clusterfuck that has become the USA. the problem is that people do not want to earn anything anymore, they want it handed to them and the dumbass government has been doing it for decades. all of these analogies don’t point at the politicians, they point at the people who think it’s ok to take what others have earned.

when it comes to the politicians who are making this worse my philosophy is simple… if the government wants my money and my freedom they are going to get all of my bullets too. This is why we have a 2nd amendment… it protects the citizens from tyrants. It is not there to defend from foriegners as most people originally thought.

This is MY country (as it is yours) and the govt. works for ME. Well guess what… I don’t like the way they are doing things so they are going to get fired when I get to vote.

I agree that politicians suck. But I disagree with this sentiment that no one wants to work anymore, or that everyone wants the government to do it for them.

I think there are a lot of broken systems out their that don’t allow people to succeed. I mean how does one better their life if they have to work instead of go to school or learn a trade because they had the unfortunate state to be born in a broke family.

How come when you go into Williamsville East High School the average freshman class has 20 students but when you go to McKinley High School in Buffalo the average freshman class is over 30?

How come we have a healthcare system that saps billions out of our economy…out of our blue collar industries.

There are so many problems that people see as being way above their heads to fix. Healthcare is probably the biggest one…

… and I’m sorry but the Republicans and the conservatives are dead wrong on this issue.

Whats terrible about this thread is that I think it has a layer of truth about just how deep peoples thought processes are when dealing with politics.

Just look at some of the righties out there:

  1. Many believe Obama is not American.
  2. That Obama is a Muslim.
  3. That healthcare reform will lead to many people dying, regardless of the tens of millions without healthcare now (they don’t count apparently)
  4. That there is going to be a new health police coming between you and your doctor.

I have said it once and I will say it again, Republicans do not see a problem with our current Healthcare system. Why do I think this? Because the healthcare has been a problem for years now and the republicans had all the time and power in the world to fix it and they did nothing. Not a god damn thing other than watch the number of people without healthcare rise as well as the cost.

Over 50% of the Republican party still believes Obama is not an American citizen. As long as they cater to that group of people, casting themselves so far right of-center, they cannot possibly be taken seriously on a national level. There are only so many Southern white god-fearing males to appeal to. Eventually you have to reach out. We really need to capitalize on the current majority the way they would, though, before they find a way back to power and we’re stuck with the status quo, subsidizing the world’s billionaires.
The scary part is, statistically speaking ,blue eyed devil is the most likely to actually vote on this forum.

I like how people think 4 - 8 years is going to change the future for our children :lol:

every political debate can typically be explained by an Office Space quote:

No, you’re working at Initech because that question is bullshit to begin with. If everyone listened to her, there’d be no janitors, because no one would clean shit up if they had a million dollars.

First… I’m 27.
Second, if you think the people in charge are going to make things better and not worse then you need to pull your head out of your butt. You cannot fix our problems by borrowing more money that we cannot pay back anyway, having a bigger government who controls the citizenship and not to mention we have a president who is spending taxpayer dollars to bring terrorists into our country.

There are more people taking from the pot then there are contributing to the pot so the system is going to collapse, period.

Good thread. would read again. :lol:

Then what is the solution for our healthcare problems?

And when did you start complaining about the borrowing? Was it when Obama got into office or during the eight years under Bush?

OK, This thread is going off in 10 different directions. If you want to discuss a specific issue start a thread about it. (Except for the Obama birth certificate situation which is moot because he’s already in the White House.)