How the Farm/Government operates....

I think BED said it perfectly.

Its so sad that you can take something as innocent, simple and correct as this story and the Lefties will still find a way to nit pick the shit out of it (im a rappa!)

“But what if the duck has a congenital heart defect that prohibits him from working?”

Screw that, I can put up with most all Left economic arguments but in this case unless youre ok coming out and utterly saying “I am a socialist and heres how I feel about this story” stfu!

How can we not come out against it when they took a fairy tale and cast left-wing political figures into the douchebag roles?
The righties use stories like this and the guys at the bar to try to re-characterize rich vs. poor in this country. It’s more like david vs. goliath. Except when David wins, they start saying he’s a communist and he’s going to ruin the country. If a rich person can’t get by if they lose an extra couple per cent, they are not rich.

I have never said anything against David making money unless he is stealing it from me. And yes it is stealing if the govt takes it from me and puts it directly into another person’s pocket.

Joe, using your logic Lafengas could never have started his reselling business because Obama wasn’t here to take from some rich person and give him the capital to buy his first lot of stuff. What you fail to realize is the guy worked and saved his money then took a risk with it on that first purchase.

But yeah, theblue working his 12-8 shift for some company where he’s pretty much guaranteed a paycheck each week unless he gets fired (very low risk) should get a cut. theblue just bought a house, he could have just as easily taken that money and started a business with it. But guess what, that’s a big risk. The fact that he (and I for that matter) wasn’t willing to take it doesn’t mean we’re entitled to the rewards of someone else’s risk when they succeed.

Is that less Utopian for you blue?

But thats the point of these analogous stories. Sure it over simplifys the the situation but you’re so stuck in this escalation of commitment president you all voted for, that you neglect to care about the most fundamental things that are happening right before you. This is a country founded on capitalism… how much further do we need to take this even steven attitude? If you’re not a socialist, if these aren’t socialist practices, where is the line drawn? When is it ok for the “rich” to have whats theirs?

^ thanks.

and to take it one step farther…the people on welfare, feel they deserve more from the wage earners and wage payers.

Time to go to Pittsburgh, I’m out. As expected, the righties are for and the lefties are against. But cute little stories like this with an underlying bias, on both sides, are the reason why something like 85 to 90% of kids, forgot the actual statistic, grow up with the same political views as their parents.

Oh, and Jay, just to be clear, I don’t want the guy on welfare to get shit. I want the guy who works to be able to make enough that he’s able to save his money to take said risk. Not live paycheck to paycheck on $7 an hour.

if somebody had given me an inside tip to buy something with a good markup then I might have put off buying a house for a little bit… the hard part is not the seed money it’s the product.

but looking back I would probably do the house first anyway… I want a firm base before I jump.

That is definately proven with generations of welfare.

Enough said.

^ BED… :bigclap:


yeah… that was LOL, even for me I have to admit.

but more seriously, there’s a lot who stepped up thanks to programs like the GI bill.

There is some good debate here guys, but remember to watch the insults. If you want to discuss the issue that’s fine. But if you can’t present your point of view without name calling then stay out of the politics forum.

The biggest myth in this thread is that the left wants no one to work. I don’t think anyone here believes that people have a right to be lazy and be paid for it.

All that email was was a far right stereotype of the left. There can easily be one made to show the stereotypes of the right from the left perspective.

I would argue that anyone that thinks this email shows some accurate portrait of the left needs to stop and realize what this email really is… political, partisan, ideological bull shit.
“See kids this is why liberals are bad…”

You see students this is why radical conservatism is bad…

:tup: x1000000

It didn’t take my high school educated brain long to figure that one out.

probably because it’s a no-brainer. :stuck_out_tongue:

It is, but then why do some many poeple not grasp this concept?

Joe I feel sorry for you. If you think you can not better yourself without a hand out.

I purchased a small excavating comp ( bank loan ) last year. and took a big pay cut to do so hoping in the end it will pay off. it has been a struggle to get by but things are going OK. now i find out that if this new bill gets passed i will be taxed $24k more a year. that would be my whole profit for the year! i would rather give my guys a raise than give it to the government.

maybe Joe is the smart one.

So your income was $24k?