what i’m getting at…is you are not assessing the “risk” of any particular venture/deal. Are the people who are willing to sell the product for equal profit distribution willing to front their own money with the possibility of failure?
The purchase of a product with intent to sell for a profit is an investment. Investments are risks. Those who seek the risks reap the rewards. There’s nothing guarantee that i make profit.
Being a risk taker has its salary too, it’s performance based.
if you yourself were to pay for 50% of a load, you also assume 50% of the risk, with full entitlement to 50% of the profit… OR LOSS.
my call out to you. I will get you in on a deal with me and we will split the profits pro rata to your investment.
Are you willing to risk your own money? or would you rather be the one pushing the product on an hourly rate with a guaranteed check based off of the time you put into it? Because to me, taking the safe route doesn’t warrant an equal share of profit, but the one who takes the risk does.
well, yeah… but if you look back at the first email it makes things look like everybody is equal, there is no risk, and at the end of the day you’re either a hard worker or lazy.
the email actually works as a great example of how far right republicans think.
ABSOLUTELY there is a risk, but that part of the story is easily overlooked. If there’s a drought, all that hard work is lost. No wheat grows no bread is made. Only then are the lazy people satisified with the results because there is no bread to split.
I know we’re talking about a stupid farm/fairy tail … but that’s the kind of oversight that makes it so hard to get a point across.
I have no desire to risk money at this point (recovering from buying a house last year)… but given the right deal I think most would take you up with the assumption that you can provide a connection that any random person can’t just stumble across.
Risk is the factor that is missing from the first post. People are not simply lazy or hard working and risk for person A is never the same for person B.
Risk is different based on the actual situations, but if you “punish” those that take manage to be successful in spite of that risk, what message does that send to others that are weighing the risk of their opportunity?
Hard working and highly motivated by money are two different things also.
I know hardworking people and I know people that are obsessed with money and have to work hard to get it.
But this isnt about people who live hard working middle class lives… Its about people who have been brought up with nothing, and are perfectly ok living life knowing that their quality of life at least wont get any worse from them not having to work.
it’s very easy for people to take the comfortable route when it comes to earning money, i understand this.
But we also have people who see being lazy as being an oportunity. The problem we face as a nation, these same people feel they “DESERVE” more because we have painted a picture that everything should be equal, no matter what.
“you cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong”
“you cannot help the poor by destroying the rich”
“you cannot lift the wage-earner by pulling down the wage-payer”
The hen got the seed somewhere, probably purchasing it. That’s an investment because there is no guarantee the seed can be turned into marketable bread.
She put in the time to grow it, when should could have been working. That’s risk because if the crop fails she has no income and no product.
She put the time in to bake it. Again, if she burns it or under cooks it she’s left with no product and all that investment of seeds and time.
But yeah, the others should get a share. Looks like your logic shows just how far left you are.
What? You say you don’t want to take the fish then you say you want to take the fish.(?) Or you want to take the money from the fish seller and build a better school?
If you want better schools take the govt out of the equation.
Where do the “lazy” poor people get the seed money? You have to have money to make money. No one is going to give them a loan. 1000% return for someone with $1000 life savings nets you a whopping ten grand. Whoopty shit.
That’s how its supposed to work. In real life, the guys with the money buy them off for a few thousand because they don’t have the resources/credibility to make it work, then take all the profit, or flat-out steal the idea, then win in court because they can afford better lawyers.