Saw this, super unfortunate…
Damn… thats horrible
sad to see this.
Sad, but that dumbass shouldn’t have fought with the police. “It was no accident”, give me a fuckin break, you ignorant piece of shit.
If the dumb ass wasn’t trying to fight with the officer maybe her kid wouldn’t have gotten shot in the head.
Exactly. I am fucking sorry, but if you live like trash, act like trash and house potential murder suspects… what the fuck do you expect? I am sorry but I have yet to have a cop barge into my house and shoot guns around. Guess why, I dont give them a reason to do so! Who would have known???
What ever, call me cold hearted. I dont give a shit. People need to start raising the bar in their lives. If you have a “She was a good girl and evera thang” like Coolio look-a-like was saying, and you want her to have a good life remove yourself and her from the shit life your living.
simple as that. The best accomplishments in life are the hardest thing to strive for.
Easier said than done.
That little girl had no control over anything you just said. She was 7!
No matter what her parents did, her dying because of them is a tragedy. She didn’t ask or do anything that made her deserve getting shot in the head.
Should the cop be blamed? No. The parents? Yes. The little girl? Def not.
he wasnt blaming the girl. he, like you, agreed the blame here is on the parents.
Ah, i got it now.
See rest of my reply :“The best accomplishments in life are the hardest thing to strive for.”
Everything in life isnt handed to you, you need to reach out and grab it. this isnt directed towards you Murrdog, btw. Look at all the stars and people in the public eye that came from ghetto places and made it big. It can be done, you just have to work hard at it. It is the same mentality as people who “cant find a job” and all that shit, try hard and you will find one. Effort breeds results.
They said she was sleeping on the coutch? How the hell do you sleep through, a door being bashed in, window being smashed, crazy mother acting-a-foo and NOT wake up and run out of the room? What ever I dont know, you dont know and they didnt report it enough to know. I completely agree it sucks, in a human way, that she died. Never the less, if the parents, the porch full of friends and everyone else involved at the time gave half a shit, they shouldnt have put the kid in danger.
the above wasnt a throw back to you personally, dont take it that way, I was just adding to our opinions.
So if everyone works hard enough they will “make it” and im not talking about having millions of dollars.
I have alot of trouble believing that
That’s cause yous a liberal son! All ya want iz handouts! :lol
Oh yah def… thats what I want, hand outs. Weird since im working 7 days a week for the next 3-4 weeks from the hours 1am-6am then various other times during the day. Yep, lookin for some handoutz.