How the hell did I miss this?!?

I know there’s been talk for a long time about the Smashing Pumpkins getting back together…and never could get all of them to agree on terms and come back…

Well i heard for the first time on 103.3 yesterday that they were back together…and apparently have been for a while, because there’s a new album out, and it’s like #2 in sales!!!

I picked it up earlier today, and it’s fuckin great…just like their older stuff…none of this “we’re gonna come back and be completely different, try to keep up with the ‘changing times’ and totally suck” like most reunited bands do…

:tup: :headbang:

its not completely the smashing pumpkins, I think D’arcy and James Iha are not part of the group anymore

i def wanna pick up the album as well, i heard the single they have out and its really good IMo

I’ve never really liked them, but never hated them either, and I like their new single a lot. I might actually pick up this album.

it’s a great album…just sat down and listened to it straight through…and i can’t do that with most artists… :tup:

two members are different, theyre cd is actually very good. I was expecting so-so, but i like it.

double post!

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The new album is on there.

meh, fuck d’arcy and that iha dude

Like they seriously have anything better to do :roll:


I gotta check this out :tup: