How to do html tags?

I know how html tags work when you’re hosting the photo. but if there’s already a photo or video hosted, how do I do the tags to, say, put it on myspace

<img src=“path”></img>

video youtube has the code you can jsut copy and paste… i think google has that too

you dont need </img>



<img src=“”>


<div align=“center”><div align=“center”><embed allowScriptAccess=“never” name=“RAOCXplayer” src=“INSERT VIDEO LINK HERE” type=“application/x-mplayer2” width=“320” height=“240” ShowControls=“1” ShowStatusBar=“0” EnableContextMenu=“0” DisplaySize=“0” AutoStart=“true” loop=“true” pluginspage=“”></embed></div>

also: adjust the "width=“320” height=“240"” section to match the size of the video, otherwise it will be sized wrong