How to launch a FWD car


Very informative. :tup:


ummmmm wow, just wow.

At least it wasn’t a roll race.

lol…ill stick with my 2500rpm slip out slowly push it to the floor for no wheel pin method

hehe…Fred Flintstoning it to the XTREME!!!

They should have pushed that car off a cliff

What did they think that was going to accomplish?


I think with that technique and all of NySpeed pushing, I should be able to give Choda a run for his money. :biglaugh:

ok - that’s 30 secs of my life that I won’t get back.

I think now I can safely expand my car search to include FWD since now I know the secrets

I had to watch that 3 times before i figured out
that the retard pushed the car to “help” him launch

I am still amazed.
