How to make a soldering laser with a store bought one

I seen this on another site, looks interesting

might have to got to radio shack and try it

That’s awesome! Does Radioshack sell those lasers?


They do, but $50.00. Wonder if there’s anywhere locally that sells them for 15 bucks.


Wait a second. He’s holding the soldering iron by the metal.

that part doesn’t get hot…

gotta try that

Whats the point?

On mine it does…

the ones i used at work didn’t…but my dads does…varies from model to model

I’m seriously going to try this. And then return the laser back to radio shack if it doesnt work.

Keep us posted. :blue:

I asked at Radio Shack today if they had them. He checked all of the stores in Pittsburgh area and none had any in stock. But he was willing to order one in for me…

thats soooo cool haha i would try that out for 15 bucks

buying one on ebay… waiting for it to come in.

thats awsome… cant wait to see if it works for someone…

Reading a few articles similar to this online it seems that you will basically kill the laser by doing this. No definite numbers but it won’t last long and eats batteries like crazy.

Despite that, I am still getting one.

bunch of pyros :naughty:

can anyone say CAR BATTERY?

Can you imagine that hooked up to a laser like that. You could give people sunburn in the shape of whatever you draw. Hah.