How to make kent's car look nicer


just for the record, feathering can also be caused by excesive wheel spinning and low tire pressure. so make sure you don’t sum it all up as the toe adjustments.

And obviously there are some very strong opinions out there as people are just flat out telling each other “your wrong!” (myself included). however shouldn’t a forum such as this be a place that everyone can share ideas and thoughts and questions without being hacked on? seems like some of us are almost calling others stupid just because we think differently about something. maybe we are all right, maybe we’re all wrong, maybe it doesn’t really matter. but everyone should be able to share there opinion without being told “no your wrong” 20 times. should be a place we can help each other out.
but hey, that’s just my opinion, maybe i invisioned a different kind of forum.

No your absolutly right myself included as well. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I was just going off everything I learned in school for my mechanics. There is a huge difference in the way tires wear from camber to toe, and I realize that. I wasn’t talking about toe however. I’m done arguing with everyone and I apologize to anyone if it seemed like I was saying “No your wrong, we don’t have dance dance revolution so… your dumb” kind of thing. I realize you see things differently, and yes in a setup favoring track use negative camber is your friend. I did not know that rear camber will aid in cornering but it makes sense if the track has banks. Personally I don’t think it will help on a flat track but thats a matter of opinion I suppose. I just know now I was acting childish and I need to grow up so things like this don’t happen again and this forum can remain the great place it has been showing itself to be.