how to make plasma

Wow, that is pretty cool. :slight_smile:

Cant wait to see some kids blow up their microwave.

Yeah the magnetron definatly isn’t liking that.

its a good thing i didnt see this back when i was in college…

Hmmmm how does this work exactly is it a phase change or chemical reaction?

its probably the carbon from the smoke conducting electricity?

electro chemical? cool

“A short summary is that the soot that is given off by the match fills the volume. Soot is just particles made of carbon, which may know is a conductor. The microwaves that are generated ionize these carbon particles. As they are ionized, the conductive soot cloud allows sparks, which then turns the air into plasma.”

Dumb question! Is plasma Harmfull?

its really really hot. But its not a stable thing you can interact with. I guess theres reports of lightning balls, which occur during storms under similar conditions to the microwave thing. But I dont think you can really interact with it, other than touching the really hot glass after the reaction occurs.

i think plasma temp is like 18K degrees so i would assume its harmful

Unless you’re a T-1000

Wayyyyy too early for me.

whoa, thats cool

so, why only 20 seconds? Why not 20 minutes?

hmm well if you search google videos theres another video of this where he leaves the glass bottle in for about a minute, at which point it shatters into pieces from the extremem heat. Plus the magnetron of the microwave really does not like to be treated in such a way… sorta like putting tinfoil in it, you can burn it right out.

Try the grape trick,its amazing.

what does it do to the magnetron?

fries it