How to properly break-in?

This method is to drive it like you stole it from the moment you receive the car.

Eah… kinda makes sense, but then again, the engineers know what they’re doing when they wrote the owner’s manual…

What say you TNC?



break her in tonight lol

just don’t forget to do an oil change soon after the break-in just to get rid of whatever metal shavings or particles

I’ll be following this break in method after I get the new engine in my car…

I have to agree with DJPyro, I believe that the engineers wrote it only to break in the drivetrain. Not the engine.

Or the best way, is dyno break in.

Dibs on shotgun!:R

No, seriously! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


I agree with DJ PYRO, great for the engine, not so for the drivetrain.


That should be that last thing you do. Keep the oil that came with the car in the engine for as long as the auto maker suggests. Oil from the factory is formulated for break-in.

first off you gotta sweet talk her than caress her ever so gently then you gotta get her warm and hot. then you knwo the rest


Well, if your worried about drivetrain and everything… instead of a dyno, just pop it in neutral to break in the engine?

Oh Nvm, didnt finish reading his write-up… you need it to have load. Poor Me.

LMAO@Rick’s post. But in addition to that… just follow the 5 F’s

Flirt, French, Finger, F*ck, Forget


nowww why wud u wanna forget about ur car

AHAHAHAHA… :rolleyes:

tsk tsk lol :stuck_out_tongue: