How to step off Ari Force One with dignity


pic fail

massive fail



I can see it…


just go to the hvcc comp lab…self explanatory

Touche lol

So come off like a stuck up cunt or an average person?
To me the Obama’s try to come across as average people in doing stuff like this.

Thats the other debate, but imho, if you are representing this country, you should look proper while out.

I know youre an Obama lover though, so theres no sense trying to make you understand :lol

I dont agree with everything he does.

I just think the president should be more like the people he’s representing instead of being above them like some kind of elitist.

He’s got his flaws and shit and doesnt hide them all like the cigarette smoking.

She isnt a normal person, she’s the First Lady, wife of the President of the United States; our image portrayed to the rest of the world.

He’s not campaigning anymore, he’s the leader of the free world.


Free World ???

what free world? :lol


Is that just a bad joke?

I hate how people say our president is the leader of the free world.
Seriously, WTF is that supposed mean? He’s only the leader of one country, not the world.

:facepalm Global relations 101 fail.

Nevermind, carry on thread as normal.

PJB delivers linens making ~$9/hr, does it look like he paid attention in school?

And represents a significant proportion of the voting population: :nuts

Couldn’t agree with this more!