Obama... the president of many firsts.

This dude hates the constitution.
I am disgusted by the medias lack of coverage on his “recess appointment” from the other day. (and their lack of coverage on the gravity of the NDAA, etc etc)

Anyway, here was an interesting lists of firsts that he’s done. (many seem to be a direct violation of the constitution… when will it stop?)

This may go to politisuck, but I wanted the not-so-political people to read it first. Keep it classy pls.

Ughhh, although some strteched claims on there and some dramatic wording, his reign has been a quite interesting one. Im blown away that he hasn’t faced any consequences for many of these things. The constitutions power is crumbling and this is evidence at its finest.

Great work federal government, keep taking away local power and see where this gets our country.

NDAA is an insane hypocritical act from his 2008 campaign. However, congress fucked him into signing it. He still should have vetoed it and let congress override the veto, that way he could have just blamed it on them.

Either way, he’s been a pretty bad president as far as I am concerned.

I hear you man, but don’t forget about how many times Bush violated the Constitution. Sending troops to war without Congressional approval and oh yeah when put us into the war in Iraq killing thousands of people, costing I think a trillion dollars, and bankrupting the Treasury. The fact that he is not in jail is a travesty.

I’m willing to bet that most of that list is bullshit or can’t be blamed on a single person.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

I do blame him. As president, he can veto any bill that comes across his desk. Lawmakers writing and passing laws gives him a perfect way to promote himself if he wanted to by coming out and saying that the “republican congress is forcing a bill through” and how he vetoed it and all that but he ends up signing them anyways.


Until he literally shits on The Constitution on live TV he will still get re-elected. And maybe even if he does that he will still get re-elected.

This is gonna put this on Politisuck but anyone who is voting for a Republican for President needs to have their head examined.

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  1. Fire everyone
  2. Institute term limits
  3. Remove lifetime benefits except for executive branch
  4. Reduce compensation to a reasonable level more inline with the average/median income of the country
  5. Refocus on what’s good for the country, not just for businesses (Although how, I do not know as I’m not a political sci major; but the SC saying that a company is the same as an individual has to be revoked)


Hello Politisuck. :smiley:


i hate the lack of media that this guy is a socialist fuck, and i hate the fact that the media tends to ignore ron paul in his political campaign. one of the biggest things ron paul is preaching is how much the goverment is passing unconstitutional laws.

I hear you on that though man.

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Ron Paul is a joke. I just read his platform the other day and I couldn’t believe how everyone loves him.

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This is what happens when you vote for someone because they have a catchy and empty slogan like “change” or “hope”.

EDIT: Yay, made it before the move to the recycle bin, I mean Politisuck.

I supported him because his ideas made a hell of lot of sense. I don’t fall for the Che Guevaraesque posters of him with “Change” and “Hope” written on them.

I followed the issues.

I will admit that he’s been a disappointment though. He should have done way more.

Black vote - check
Poor vote - check
Young/fixed gear vote - check
Uninformed vote - check

The Republican Party should just save millions of dollars and try again in 2016. Chris Christie FTW.

I don’t know much about Chris Christie, but he seems to garner a lot of moderate republican support. Maybe Romney will finally give up if he loses this year.

Let me guess… you dont make a lot of money and rely on government hand outs?

I love how people here (which is about as left leaning as MSNBC) are assuming an Obama victory. Polling shows Obama barely leading Romney TODAY, and the campaign hasn’t even started yet, nor has the Republican party decided on a candidate.

As long as we don’t nominate someone crazy (and we’ve got one less crazy to pick from with Bachman out, and Perry will be out after NH) Obama will go down as a one term mistake come January 2013.