Obama... the president of many firsts.

While I wish you were right, you’re not. RNC doesn’t have a strong enough candidate to get the job done. Romney is not your guy. Bachman certainly wasn’t and Perry is just helpless. Cain was a joke, Gingrich is even worse.

The only hope Republicans had is in NJ and I’m willing to be he is on the ballot come 2016.

Those polls don’t take into account the poor voters, unemployed voters and the minority voters. Those three groups alone will vote OBAMA.

---------- Post added at 01:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:44 PM ----------

Chris Christie is full of win. My favorite CC moment is when a public school teacher stood up at one of his town hall meetings and rattled off a bunch of bullshit about how she doesn’t make a lot as a teacher and needs more money. His response? “Then don’t teach, it’s not my problem you decided to pursue such a low paying profession” (or something along those lines and probably a bit more harsh) :rofl:[COLOR=“Silver”]

Blah blah blah that list is a bunch of horse shit that wouldn’t pass a fact check done by a second grader with 15 minutes with a web browser.

Here’s a quick rebuttal to anyone “outraged” at his recess appointment.

Yeah he’s not following the constitution, but an objective look at the facts shows that he’s no worse than any president since we gave up on it 80 years ago.

LOL nope, graduated college with honors and working in my field. I’m very fortunate for someone in Buffalo.


I would’nt want to follow the consititution. Sure it helped develop core values and a basis for society hundreds of years ago, most of it isn’t applicable today. I should run for president. Call it the “I don’t give a fuck” party. Pretty much let society run itself. Abortions? Who cares? Gay marriage? Sure, why not. Shoot somebody in your own house? They shouldn’t be in your house. Want to buy a gun? Fine, just buy it at a store. Want to carry them in public? Why the hell not? Darwin will monitor it for us. Unemployment, welfare, drug test them all. Legalize mary jane and tax the ever living shit out of it. Basically do what you want, just don’t be a dipshit in the process.

lol that’s called the Libertarian party. :tup: I don’t give a fuck is way catchier though. You should do some marketing for them.

I just watched a few Chris Christie videos, he seems like a cool straight forward guy. I like him in that role.

Honestly Jay, I’ve always felt that this forum is filled with conservative white dudes from the burbs and that was it. I feel like I’m the only liberal here, which is why I like to stir the pot and give a voice to the side that seems to be lacking on NYSpeed.

This is my fear for the demise of our country. This two party system will only bend so much before it breaks this country in two.

As the lower class continues to repopulate at a much quicker rate, what will stop them from voting for the guy who hands out the most guv’ment cheese?

Other countries can support socialism because in other countries, people are more willing to contribute to the pot. Im america we have a class of people who think living off of handouts is a way of life. Obamas ideals for the most part wont work here (not calling his ideals fully socialistic). The majority of people dont know whats best for this country and if they did, they would still vote for the person who will benefit themselves the most in the short term.

Bring in a multi-party system that forces parties to create political alliances (much like the German system) and we can at least start on addressing a greater percentage of this countries needs.

Indeed. This is Ron Pauls platform and why he is popular. Don’t want to take health insurance? Sure. You get hurt and can’t pay that isn’t our problem. Want to get married to a someone of the same sex? Who cares. I like him because while he believes in a god that most republicans do, he seems to make policies by the greater good which is why I so strongly support him. I hate the pro god views of the republicans and that is where I swing more Libertarian than way conservative.

The founding fathers of our country said that no good can come out of a party system.

Why is everyone talking about Chris Christie? He said he was not running and supported Romney. Did something change since then?

Until the government and people realize that most people end up in horrible and shitty situations because of their own actions. I have never been arrested. I have never been sued. Probably because I’ve lived my life in such a way that I don’t put myself in these kinds of situations. I pay my taxes and I just want to be left alone. I contribute to society and earn my own money. Shooting someone in your house for trespassing shouldn’t be a crime, it should be a celebration. I myself have never even come close to being shot, do you know why? Because I’m not a shit stain that breaks into other’s houses or puts myself in a conflict with those whom have the ability to shoot me. Do you know why I don’t care if gays get married? Because at the end of the day when I lay my little head down on my little pillow and position my teenage built body on my tempurpedic mattress, it has no effect on my life, my way of life or how I’m going to live my life. These are the basic principles of the I Don’t Give a Fuck Party


I like this party: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technocracy

Ruled by science and puts experts in the field responsible for decision making.

Oh and GOD. LULZ. I really feel that if someone tries to dispute evolution, they shouldn’t be allowed to run a country.

Darwin had a HUUUUUUGE hole in his theory… for another thread.

I would ask anyone who does not care about The Constitution to seriously reconsider that decision after much more critical thinking.

Im telling you guys, the Germans have it right this time around (ib4nazijokes)

Theres a reason their general population tends to be one of the happiest in the world with their own political structure… oh yeah they kill it economically too with much less resources than we do, AND have the EU riding their ballbag.


and Yes.


^ This is why Santorum’s sudden surge worries me.

Yeah, the right to bear arms and freedom of speech, not to mention illegal search and seizures…those are important. However to base one’s beliefs on how the country needs to be run today around it is ridiculous.

Get the expectation of profit out of the government, it’s not supposed to be a corporation.

Close ALL tax loopholes & safe havens, make the elite rich & big corporations pay taxes on their FULL income. We don’t need them to pay a higher percentage, we just need them to pay taxes on their full income.

Trim frivolous government spending and shift the remaining spending to long term infrastructure and educational agendas, not war and handouts. War boosts the GDP with a nice boom, then comes the bust. Bombs provide no lasting benefit, nor do handouts. Teach people to fish, stop giving them the fish and removing their drive to strive. We need to look at long term sustainability for a change. ENABLEMENT rather than ENTITLEMENT!

EQUITABLY regulate, especially the banks and medical care. Easy money for the banks has led to home costs that suffocate the working class. Medical care also devours a huge percentage of a working class income and it’s only getting worse. These 2 fixed expenses coupled with inflation are what’s killing the middle class and in turn the health of our economy. The primary role of the government is to regulate in the peoples best interest, to work towards a sustainable greater good.

This is my plan, though I realize things aren’t going to change while the majority is satiated. People will be satiated till it’s too late I suspect.

Religion shouldn’t even be brought up in debates or campaigns. Automatic disqualification.

If you want to have 4 or 5 affairs, fine…that’s between you and your wife. It doesn’t mean you’re going to be a bad law maker or ruler of the free world, it just means you like to diddle in new gashes (which I’m entirely okay with).

However, if you want to single handidly thank god for getting you where you are on the campaign trail and you seriously believe that noah loaded two of EVERY animal on a homemade arc, it proves to me you’re disillusioned and probably have a hard time making decisions and leaving god out of it.

---------- Post added at 03:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:14 PM ----------

I’m okay with giving tax breaks to corporations or business owners (large or small) that generate economic stability and job growth. If you’re just going to get rich and stay that way without risk or reward, then pay up dip shit.

---------- Post added at 03:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:16 PM ----------

Evangelicals and extreme tea partiers are ruining the republican party for me. Oh and Sarah Palin, screw her too.