How to study for GMAT

PMBA is cheaper, GMAT mandatory. Acceptance rate to either is very high since the rejection rate of the programs do not contribute to their overall score of ranking their Full Time MBA program.

GMAT is very similar to the SAT, which I did horrible at.

Basically I ranked in the bottom 25th percentile for math according to the SAT. Got to school, Calc I, II, III, Diff EQ, & Linear Algebra - B, A, A, B+, A-

It’s all bullshit!

Spend money take GMAT

Spend more money get MBA

Struggle finding job because you’re over qualified

Pay off student loans for 20 years

MBA is the new bachelors degree :lol:


Wow… the one I’m in the rejection rate is quite high, and their acceptance is quite low. Interesting.

I do agree with the GMAT being a crap shoot.

When I went for a PMBA and EMBA session, the woman running the orientation stated those words. I guess we will find out. The avg. age at UB for entrance to the PMBA is 30, I’m 5 under that, I hope that doesn’t hurt my chances.

It may, depending on your “professional” experience. I think PMBA they want you to have about 5 years post BS experience; out here the PMBA average experience is ~7 years; EMBA is ~12.

Don’t get hung up on the details. Don’t over prepare. Just go take it, apply, and see where you end up. It really isn’t that hard of a test at all.

Will do ^^

And for the PMBA, they only require one year professional supervisory experience, I’m just under 2.5 atm