how to take video of cars

if anyone is planning on shooting video of… anything car related you might be able to grab some tips from this video. i’m not a personal fan of the NSX but the video was done well for what it is ment to be.

Video footage it self is good.
The music has no place.
Editing while it had impressive bits has no flow to it.

You can’t have epic music, go to not just one but two climaxes and have nothing happen.

How do you shoot it so just the target car, stands out in color

how can you not be a fan of a nsx? it is light, mid engined, rear wheel drive, fast, handles well, TRACK READY, styled sexy.

oh. it is everything a SHO isnt :slight_smile: sorry, had to throw a jab or two :slight_smile:

edit: i realize now that you mean THAT nsx. i couldnt agree more. they kinda butchered it.

also, i am not a fan of the video. cameraman needed a tripod. wayyyyy too many shakes and twitches. ruins the shot imo.

how can you not be a fan of a nsx? it is light, mid engined, rear wheel drive, fast, handles well, TRACK READY, styled sexy.

i think they forgot to put 2 doors on. it only has 2.

also, i am not a fan of the video. cameraman needed a tripod. wayyyyy too many shakes and twitches. ruins the shot imo.

i thought it was nice.

while its one of my favorite cars…and that nsx is hot, the video could have been better. I think the music makes the video. Take it out of the equation and its not even that exciting. Also, there are no sound clips of the car, not a lot of action, shakey camera at times and too many of the same kinds of shots. The flow is lacking overall. I’d give it a 6/10 rating.

It took 50 seconds to get to the beginning of the actual video. :tdown:


How do you shoot it so just the target car, stands out in color


I don’t believe you can shoot it that way, just edit it that way. Sorta like photo editing with just the target in color.


You’d think that if you can afford a NSX, you could at least buy a tripod.



You’d think that if you can afford a NSX, you could at least buy a tripod.


maybe that is why he can’t?


sweet car. needs more action though, especially with that music

to boring
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topgear filming of cars > most

How is that best of streetfire…

that was nothing special at all.

Even borderline wack…