A mid winter vid for y'all

I just got some new vid editing software, i am trying it out, there is SO MUCH you can do. I think this came out decent for my first crack at it. Thanks to Ken for some sweet footage :tup: … I need to get a good camera for this year as well, i am open to some suggestions… pref night vision :slight_smile:



what are u using for editing? FCP is the best shit ive ever used.
obviously a better camera will do wonders

music :tdown:

Im using Corel studio

And im not using techno, emo or whatever you import fggts like <3

less music, morre metal symphony.

I use a Sony 30gb HD Handycam. Night vision, wide screen and dolby… Love it.

I cant see your video at work, I’ll have to check it out later :slight_smile:

ya that sounds like my camera as well takes good pics too

Pretty decent video. I vote HD cam for next round of vids.

Yeah, i just need something that is proven to take good night vids. HD is on the top of the list however… i know a lot of you have cameras, chime in.

Came out pretty good Jim! Glad my old videos got put to some good use :slight_smile: I need some updated ones!

:tup: some old school vids with mikey


Adobe Premiere is where its at… Final Cut is pretty user friendly too

Nice, vid. Cant wait til we get some new footage.

here’s all the footage you’ll need

:bigclap: winner winner chicken dinner.

Korn + Fbods… who would have thought.

i am never mean to you…

noooo… your thinking about disturbed. :spank:

nothing wrong with that :tup: I haven’t seen this car enough!