240 Video Compilation (we need to make one damnit)

Who is with me here? Me and scott were talking about this, it NEEDS TO BE DONE. Seems like everyone has one except us. I duno but we have quite a few kick ass cars on this forum to make an awesome video, and sasha is a great editor. So I am volounteering sasha to edit for us, :):slight_smile:

You dont mind, do you sasha?

im down to edit, im getting a really good program soon. i just need a digi camcorder to import/export. all i have is a camera.

we do have quite a nice little crew if we could gather up and do some touge and highway runs. sasha can edit really well, but im the footage master ehehe.

lets set a date, spring when everyone is up and running. maybe the first meet that is in the works in the meet section.

Sounds good, ill see if i can get my hands on a really good camera, my gf is really into video editing n stuff like that.

Damn this is in the wrong section, someone move this to chat please.

Sasha is editing, final. We don’t want some pretty boy editing out videos.

Brian Earl Spilner, sounds like a cop name to me, Is that what you are?!

I’ll edit, record, direct, produce, drive, hell i’ll do it all! BOYEEE


i have no problem editing and bringing out my camera, if anyone else has mini DV if youcould just give me the tape with your footage from the recording session(s) that would be great, and i could just put them in my camera to import them.

It’ll be fun guys!

I live my life a quarter mile at a time. Nothing else matters: not the mortgage, not the store, not my team and all their bullshit. For those ten seconds or less, I’m free.

My car sucks so I won’t be in the film in any more than just a snapshot (if you guys would allow me the honour) but I do have a minidv cam and I’d like to help out if I could. :slight_smile:

my cars not running but i could do some astro van drifting

Bullshit asshole, no one likes the tuna here!

Yo! Try Fat Burger, you can get yourself a double chese and fries for $2.95 f@ggot.

sounds like a great idea…ive wanted to do this for a while but dont have a cam

Im in :lol:

hey u guys gotta wait till the summer till the rides out here in kitchener are ready , u cant have no videos with out the crazy redneck(lucky DFR), s13gg and me, shiiiet boyee, well we could always start takign footage i guess, either way were good
to go

Serial Killer, not cop.

Pedro offers you protection.

Sounds like a good idea. The whole movie idea.

Im in, my cars not to fancy but i have a mini dv, and a semi fancy in car mount that im working on.

I was planning on shooting my own lil video, but I will do that in the summer, once I have all my programs and electronics ready.

Ill write the sounds track

I gots stuff for that

im in, if i dont get my FD

Im always up for shite like this. Ill have some mounts in my car, and i got my MiniDV cam. This should be sick once spring comes around.

Hey everyone whats up.

Count me in for sure. I think it’s a great idea for the board to have a signature video so to speak.

I love the touge run idea and maybe we could through a little parking lot action in too, for those who want to be in that part. Some shots of all the driver’s by there car’s, still pics and good music would make this a WILD video.

Hopefully we can make it at least 30 min’s ish. That will make it worth while doing.

Someone set a date, name the place, time and I’ll be there.

Take care.

Easy 8)

Im in too
who doesnt love some car fun?? we should show assortments of cars too! like drifting crapshait into walls etc…
heh heh heh

What kind of musci would we want?

I can write any kind of punk/Ska, High energy.

I can also get it all recorded really well./