240 Video Compilation (we need to make one damnit)

And then when we’re done…lets put the video in the Vids section of the site where general people can’t see it!! Yeah!!!

The skittles will be in.

fat sil80 is in


Hey why not! Sure count me in for sure! I just got to take my plates off in case this video falls into the wrong hands one day. Other then that yeah Im in. :smiley:

sasha, i’ll film you can edit. your footage is sloppy but your editing is very good. i did take film, and i’ve made films, and i am going to school for film next year. so yeah…

i know that you didnt get all the shit, thats under the hoods of those cars, by doing tune-ups, and selling groceries. i want in on whatever it is your doing.

Hopefully we can make it at least 30 min’s ish. That will make it worth while doing.quote]

yeah, ummm… bandwidth wont allow this. lets do a big one and get DVD’s made, sell them at carshows and stuff. I can market them.

^^ sweet. Im in film this year. Made one movie, and have done tons more filming before. We should just keep on collecting all the footage for all of 2005 and then we can have it made for the end of the season. A nice way to end things. :smiley:

meets, messing around, bloopers, track days and whatever will sure make for a sick movie!

The more people filming, the better. Multiple angles blah blah blah etc etc. Plus it leaves Sasha with greater creative editing possibilities.

Spilner - Oh I did’nt know that about the band width, sorry :oops: . I’ve only been really in to computer’s since I got my laptop approximately 1 year ago.

I do like the idea of getting put on to a DVD. That is something I would purchase, as long as Im in it! :lol: Maybe a portion of the sale could go back in to the club as well.

Spd-dmn - For sure the more camera’s the better. We could maybe even have them positioned ahead of time too. If we have a nice little twisty road to use we could set a couple of guys up to film the Touge run. Same would stand true the highway run.

When were at a parking lot it’s all open but still one guy will get something’s and another guy will get different things. Im sure there will be a lot going on at the same time. I have a Canon Mini DV camcorder, w/t built in digital camera, that I would be happy to lend someone for the evening if that helps. Just let me know.

Now I also think it’s worth having a list started now of who wants to come and what they will be doing. So all of you interested copy/paste the list with your name, vehicle and what capicity you’ll be serving. It’ll just make thinigs easier for when a date is set. Everyone will know what the other is doing.

  1. Sidewaze (Bruce), 240sx - Touge/Hwy/Drifting


Easy 8)

By HWY do you just mean seeing how fast you can speed???

like wangan runs, grip video style. flyby’s and ricer hunting.

so honestly guys, what about getting this put onto DVD?? i can get it done.

I am totally down for anything.

So you’ll be effectivly hunting yourself?

So you’ll be effectivly hunting yourself?[/quote]


So you’ll be effectivly hunting yourself?[/quote]
lol nobody puts it better than TM

So you’ll be effectivly hunting yourself?[/quote]
lol nobody puts it better than TM[/quote]
yeah man im such a ricer with my decal-less, vinyl-less, interior-less, neon-less, system-less, spoiler-less, body kit-less car. *pfft u lose.

lol nobody puts it better than TM

except when i put it in his moms mouth hahah

the dvd idea sounds great! i would deffinately buy it as im sure others will as well.

Bruce i just may take you up on your offer once i get my car back on the road.

  1. Sidewaze (Bruce), 240sx - Touge/Hwy/Drifting
  2. got_boost_S13 (Cal), 240sx coupe - Touge/Hwy/Drift


  1. Sidewaze (Bruce), 240sx - Touge/Hwy/Drifting
  2. got_boost_S13 (Cal), 240sx coupe - Touge/Hwy/Drift
  3. spilner, 240sx and or 280zx- all types of shyte


When i get my car ill be up for anything. But i dont think that this type of planning should be needed. The whole point of a video to “represent” Son and 240s should be unscripted, aka various pieces of footage from meets, solo driving, focking around…and then if you want to get really technical we could just organize a Getaway in Toronto run at 5 am in the morning? bah, but seroiusly the filming for this stuff should be relaxing and she be taken as everything flows. If we continue getting footage for the entire summer of 2005 it will be more interesting, we would see some progression with peoples driving skills, and development of peoples cars.

thats my 2.3 cents.