how to transfer HD data

ok so i just bought another macbook and want to use my SSD in the new one. how would i go about putting the SSD in my new macbook? can i just put it in and all will work? or do i need to save all the data then put the SSD into the new macbook and reinstall Lion then restore? never had to do this b4. or if someone wants to make a few bucks they are more then welcome to do it for me :slight_smile: also if it matters i never actually bought Lion i have it on a dvd to use

Might work depending on hardware and drivers on the hard drive. Try it, worst that can happen is it won’t work.

its pretty much the same mac lol. both late 08 MacBooks. one has the C2D 2.0 and the other is a C2D 2.4 with backlit KB. won’t hurt anything to try?

---------- Post added at 12:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:37 PM ----------

Well that was easy. For some reason I didn’t think that would work.

Half of computer work is having the balls to try shit out. J/K though something like this worst case is no boot unless you’re installing it on a shag rug in a lighting storm or some shit. :wink:
Glad it worked for ya.

Yeah, if the hardware is close the OS can usually figure it out, at least on the PC side. I figured Mac could do it too.

As long the kernel can ID the hardware and load the modules, it works. Should boot up in just about any intel-based Mac, I would imagine.

yea worked fine. typing on the newer mac now

By default Mac’s have the Kernel extensions for all of there hardware so if you are moving from the same gen Macbook to another, it will work just fine. You can even go forward, as long as the OS X version you have is supported by current hardware. Many people will use either Time Machine, SuperDuper or Carbon Copy Cloner to re-image to a new machine. With a mac is so dead stupid simple to do.

CloneZilla that shit.

2010 and later Apple notebooks can restore the OS over the internet. It’s built into the EFI, no hard drive needed. It’s designed so you can reinstall the OS without physical media, in the event that the hard drive dies.

You need some way to back up the data you want to keep. You can throw it on an external drive, or get an external enclosure for the stock drive. Then, install the SSD into the machine, hold option while booting, connect to a wireless network, boot into the EFI restore, open Disk Utility, Format, Install Lion, Put data back once done.

However, OS X that was installed on an Intel machine, should boot on ANY Intel Apple hardware. It might be questionable with Lion on Core Duo machines. In my experience, just dumping a Windows drive into a random computer works 5% of the time. I’ve had Intel OS X drives boot on dozens of assorted Apple machines without any delays, issues, or problems at all. Sometimes when the screen resolution is dramatically different enough, windows might be WAY off the screen and difficult to size to the smaller display. Thats about it.

EDIT: Just determined you are talking about late 08 Macbooks and already did it. Nevermind.

thank you for the post though. always good to know about things if i ever get stuck on another machine.