How Would You Fix The Economy?

Read my earlier post. 10 trillion is more money than exists in USD today. It couldn’t work.

lol @ just carter… after over half a year of people getting the joke and not taking it seriously you still think it might work.

[sarcasm]he nailed it!![/sarcasm]


I like the flat tax idea myself.

interesting. because you think it’s which of the following:

  • fair
  • realistic / possible
  • benefits you

That is funny but on a serious note, get rid of NAFTA and close the borders.

The flat tax benefits everyone. Not the stupid Huckabee thing, but the punishing girls who don’t have nice tits one.

cmon…Obama Money! It’s the new rage

Benefits me mainly. LOL.
I mean we’ve had all these decades of the wealthy taking advantage of the system. Is it so wrong to want a system that benefits the small guy for a change?

The flat tax is regressive.

Outlaw all religions,cease the organizations funds and disburse as stimulus package.

If you think about it,its a great solution.

I am sick of people’s bad math fixing the economy. The salesman I bought my car from told me that the bailout’s could have been split up to $100,000 per taxpayer. I asked and made sure he wasn’t handling my financing.

i know this isn’t really a viable solution, to say the least, but let’s think about it.

like carter said, after taxes (which you know it will be taxed,) it’ll be about $550k.

that would make a 50 year old have to budget, for the rest of his/her life, every penny they spend.

they could live for 5 years or for 40 years. with cost of living expenses and property taxes, they could easily burn through the amount of money they were given. and, according to the agreement proposed, they can never work again. so, once they are out of money, what’s next?

edit: my point was that this is retarded. i would like to think that everyone who got to this post realized it long before you read this.


I will sacrifice big tits for a tone body and nice ass any day of the week.