Hp computers and warranty Rant

So recently my home computer has been giving me alot of problems ie: Giving me the WSOD randomly and sometimes not booting. So i run the hp diagnostic tool and everything comes back fine until it gets to the boot path. Error: Biohd-5 is the code. Now for some reason my computer wont boot. So i contact hp support and he tells me my hard drive is bad and thats why im getting the error. So i asked him why did the tool scan the hard drives and come back and say they were good. He couldnt give me an answer. So i asked him if he can tell me if its covered under my warranty and then he comes back and tells me the warranty on my machine ended 2 days ago… WTF! So i restart my computer and run the test again and everything came back perfect but wouldnt boot? Im confused. I think its a windows vista error but who knows. So then he asks me if i have my restore cds . I told him my computer never came with them so i now have to spend 16 dollars for them to send them to me. I forgot why i built my own computers before.

you fail!

Well if you can’t see the warning logo on the front of the case, then you deserve it!

Just playin, I hated dealing with HP users when I worked for Comcast, they called us cus they hated dealing with HP support, same with Dell.

I had this same problem. Here’s the fix -

  1. Fuck bitches
  2. Get money
  3. Computer works

Hard drives die all the time just deal with it. Put a RAID controller in and run a RAID 1 setup and never have to deal with it again.

for my home computer its kind of pointless to run raid imo because i dont have information i cant live without if something like this happens. . Business computers i can understand doing it. Im pretty sure it was a software problem as i just installed xp on it and its working fine.

RAID is cheap insurance. I run it everywhere I possibly can with the cost of drives… why not? Stop looking at porn and you won’t have these random no boot issues.

If there’s nothing on it that you don’t care about then why are you bitching if the drive is bad?? You can probably buy the drive you have in it for like $20 these days.

Any time I see a failure involving anyhing with a drive I replace it.

its a 640gig western digital so its only like 50 bucks but i was pretty much bitching about how my warranty just went out. Its how my luck goes with these types of things. Whitey usually when i set up raids in my business computers there only like 120gig hds max and there both the same one. I have an extra 320g hd lying around can i use that and as long as i dont go above 320gigs used i shoud be fine right? The main would be 640 and the second would be 320g

If you try to create an array with those 2 drives it will limit total space to the smaller drive.

People collect porn still? Sheesh, that was done in highschool

Why? That just means it was designed properly. I have a friend who is an engineer that used to work for GE. He said he always had twice as much time engineering a part to fail just after its warranty ran out as he did engineering the part itself from scratch.

lol shit has internal timers on it nowadays. once they are up it releases a incendiary grenade inside and fucks everything up

:blue: It’s worth a shot.

you can get like 500gb drives for around 50 bucks, hell you can get a 1tb for 90.

I would buy a external drive for your porn though Mike.


[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4DT3tQqgRM”]YouTube- HP computers are racist[/ame]

dont buy one for gates for xmas lol