Huckabee '08

He has my vote.


Haha, that’s a good video.

In fact, I agree with Huckabee on most issues, taxes, immigration, 2nd amendment, but I checked him out on and found a few things I didn’t like:

-Farm subsidies ok because Europe & Asia do same. (Jan 2007)
-Supports farm subsidies & fully-funded crop insurance. (Sep 2007)

This one really scares me…
-George W. Bush has done a magnificent job. (Jan 2007)

-Personalization of retirement funds, not privatization. (Oct 2007)
If it’s not private, someone in the government will get their greedy hands on it.

He’s very vocal about the flat tax, but I didn’t know this until I researched it…
-Remove the poorest taxpayers from the tax rolls. (Jan 2001)
-Supports Internet sales tax. (Nov 2002)

Foreign Policy…
-Train & arm Kurds to prevent cross-border PKK incursions. (Oct 2007)
-Attack Iran’s nukes even if Congress says no. (Oct 2007)

He seems about like Bush did in 2000. I thought he sounded pretty good, I overlooked some of the “promises” to give money to people, and voted for him. Now he’s spending the country into bankruptcy. I think Mike looks good on some issues, but I don’t see it panning out, he’s too much of a spender.

Chuck Norris is going to hunt you down and eat your soul.

Huckabee is going to tax your soul.

Still going to vote for the tax-man? (the tax-man who pledged to attack Iran unprovoked…if we “think” they have nukes)

Are you really going to choose a candidate for President of the United States based on a B movie celebrity endorsement, or were you just trying to be funny?

A real American…slimy politician.


Chuck Norris is not a B list celebrity. He is THE celebrity.