Huge Nerds Please Help: multi monitor DVI cards?

I haven’t been keeping up with the new technology. Can anyone recommend a dual DVI multi monitor video card for a video editing/ gaming rig?

I searched, only came up with discussion on cheap cards or the actual displays (I already have an MD219)

I was looking at nVidea NVS280, but I can’t seem to find it in any of the local stores (Best Buy, CompUSA, etc). Any other good recommendations that are similar or better? Thanks.

You’re still on the AGP slot, right?

whatever you decide on, check the prices on
generally some good numbers there.

I used to do that but now I just stick with Newegg… They are wicked reliable and don’t roll you over the coals on shipping.

Nah, I have PCI express too :slight_smile: so if there are better ones for that slot, then :tup:

That video card only has one DVI port. I need TWO.. VGA port not needed.

I’m thinking Geoforce 6600, they have it locally for cheap $220 or so. Anyone have experience with it?

are you getting a cinema display?

I have this: