Rofl walter! You think I like trucks your 100% wrong. Ask anyone who really knows me, I hate trucks. I was just stating this is a nice performance truck. I don’t see how anyone can hate any car if the owner has put money into it and done a respectable job. Now I do not like Porches, but that doesn’t mean I won’t give them credit when credit is due. MPD will not appreicate a lowered truck for whatever reason which is why I made my posts. Don’t like you can get out of the thread.
And how can I judge if I want read his post if I don’t read it first? You make no fucking sense dude. Shut up. I’m also aware anyone can post anything they want, hence why I made my post. You like walter and a couple others in the post are just trolling and spamming. If you do not wish to add anything worth wild to the topic at hand, even if its one sentence compared to an essay of an argument then don’t fucking post.
Found this photo of the backend of the truck. I think it looks damn good. :tup: