Hunny,? Did You set the Parking Brake??

I cant explain it better than this…
I’ll post more So as I can upload them tommarow, yes thats my truck over a 15’ vertical Wall, SET YOUR BRAKE haha :doh:


big red X’s

show up on both my computers but heres the link to yahoo just incase FUNNY

:rofl: OH SNAP slamed , how much damnage


damn, that sucks

Dayum, that hurt…seriously…she didn’t set the parking brake? :ugh:

That sucks and you need a new camera.

What the hell dickbag I thought Bri knew how to drive a stick, :doh: why didnt she just leave it in first or reverse :bash: What all is damaged and how much is that gonna cost… will the insurance cover it.?

my parking brake is just for show

on a red X .were is the parking brake?

Sorry about the pics, damn camera phone and I use FireFox, so i’ll have to load them with IE, buut Damage wise so far the front bumper, lft fender, fiberglass bedsides, rear bumper tailgate muffler,2 rear wheels and tires, cab corner abover bed, backwall of cab along top of bed and i didnt get it off the ground yet to look underneath…
Anybody looking to buy a good used truck, with minor damage? :kekegay:


Damn, I’m glad setting my brake has become instinct. My truck doesn’t have an official parking brake, but the frame works just as well.

I didn’t see you mention it specifically, but was it you that didnt set it or someone else?

Wow, that’s a lot of :bj: for you from girlfriend who did this :naughty:

No, unfortunatly i cant blame her, I titled it that cause I left the parking brake off and some jackass turning around in the parking lot gave it a bump, and away she went, i didnt even know about it for over an hour, i seen the truck turning around in the lot and never thought anything of it, went out to use the restroom and seen blue over the wall, thought to my sell hmmm wierd, walked over and seen truck over wall, actually funny, but then again not. :hahano:

I’ll have to send pics of the frame, it was set, but… didnt hold to good :sadwavey:

I meant that I can set my frame on the ground. It wouldn’t of rolled away with a simple bump.