What I Learned Today: The E Brake Doesn't Work

this is a repost from SHOforum it made me lol


I joined AAA three days ago… think they will be amused?


I’m sorry but I http://jelloslug.com/shoforum/laughcry.gif

I was looking at the pic like "WTF is he trying to SHOw us…HOLY CRAP! http://jelloslug.com/shoforum/rofl.gif

Sorry about your luck though, that really sucks, honest.

The E-Brake just gave out??


its kinda like one of those “when you see it, youll shit bricks” type pics

It was just one of those things… I drove it up from the barn to the house to grab my wallet, ran into the house and when I came out the car was gone and the freakin’ dog was sitting where I left the car looking at me like “dude, I didn’t do it!”.

I bought this car yesterday as a driveline donor so this isn’t the end of the world.

how did it roll that way? lol.
looks like it would roll the other way

better wait a few more days to call AAA

At first I was like: -_-

Then I was like: THERE’S WALDO!

That would suck just a tad.

i assume its that white spec in the woods?

That happened to me once back when I worked at Franco’s. My truck popped out of gear and rolled into the street blocking several lanes of Bailey, while I was inside. I think I may have found it more amusing than the people I was blocking.

my truck popped out of gear and rolled into my silo. I was not amused, my uncle next door however was very amused