So this is why my brakes suck

So yeah yesterday Choda and I put new rotors on my truck becuase the brakes sucked monkey balls. Well now I know why.

i see nothing wrong :gotme: :stuck_out_tongue:

That Coffee Mate should be in the fridge.

put your flannel on and chug that shit

were the caliper slides frozen?

I used to love when customer would come into the shop and say my brakes JUST started making noise- and it would be halfway through the rotor

i love how you have the rotor sitting on the kitchen table.

seriously? my mom would have killed me if i still lived at home and did something like that.

for real. i can’t believe you brought that shit in the house to take a pic of it.

We have coffeemate powder that comes in a container just like that. :gotme:

I’ve seen worse… imo your still good till the rotor disconnects from hub.

J/k about still being good, but I have worked on a customers car that felt that way. Surprisingly it wasn’t Jam either.

turn them bitches re-install drive for another 50k


haha I’d get the same thing. I even had one so bad that the caliper piston was grabbing the rotor to stop the car and you could see the vanes through the rotor.

yeah I got bitched out about it pretty good but I was like “yeah whateva, get to the food makin I’m hungry”…it was pretty funny. My mom didn’t think so but I laughed.

should have seen the rear brakes off Dstars truck (dads truck?)

the inner surface was worn AWAY and the fins had ejected the inner brake pads and shattered the pistons in the calipers.

looks like you were only a fraction of an inch away from that, lol

Congratulations! The stuff in the picture isn’t powder.

didnt you just do the brakes on your truck? start lubing your shit up

Wow… Whats thicker, the paper towel it’s sitting on or the rotor?

You still have a flat surface there. What’s nice is when you see one that is worn through into the vents.

i have honestly seen worse, as in chunks of the rotor missing