The unit I am with (Rochester Chinooks) took 3 aircraft to support relief and search & rescue operations for the hurricane. It wasn’t as bad as they thought, but I still have some pictures of the fun. Your tax money at work, enjoy.
Coasties have cool C-130’s
FLIR ball
Ropes broke, too bad, wasn’t a bad airplane
Broken Levy we had to fix with 3,000 lbs sandbags
Sandbag pickup site
Hovering 3 feet over people, getting 10,000 lb loads of sandbags
Gotta be steady
Hookup and filling crew
hovering over the levy break
ground crew telling us where they want them, and some reporters
Landing on a highway that was shut down just for us, so we could get food and water
More of the loading
One of the drop off sites
We had some down time, so we let kids check out our toy, that black thing to the left is an 800 gallon fuel tank,
so we can go long distance. We can take up to 3, totalling at 3,500 gallons of fuel, or 22,000lbs
Guy living in his hanger. He is so nice, he set up a HD tv and cooked food, even though all his hangers
were tore up. Amazing people!!!
His hangar
More of his hangars
Was a very nice truck, seat covers to protect the leather, too bad it was totaled.
In the middle of freaking nowhere, single wides on stilts. This was near the levy break.
More destruciton
They were all out of compacts, had to get Caddy’s
The aircraft holds 1,100 gallons in its own main tanks. 2,400 in the extended range tanks, and 1,100 in the mains = 3,500.
Yea, like IrocMick said, we had to stay in a weight room, with equipment tripping us as we went for the nightly piss, or puke (we did some drinking that week). But it was air conditioned, the other ass clowns had to live in an hot ass, humid as fuck gym floor. Not fun. For those wondering how IrocMick knows this, well he is my Boss. Its a small world.