hurricane katrina was bush's fault

it’s so clear to me now, i don’t know how i missed it. thank you lil wayne for making me see the light.

This song is dedicated to the one wit the suit
Thick white skin and his eyes bright blue
So called beef wit you know who
Fuck it he just let him kill all of our troops
Look at the bullshit we been through
Had the niggas sittin on top they roofs
Hurricane Katrina, we shoulda called it Hurricane (Geeoorrggiaa) Bush
Then they tellin y’all lies on the news
The white people smiling like everythin cool
But I know people that died in that pool
I know people that died in them schools
Now what is the survivor to do?
Got to no trailer, you gotta move
Now it’s on to Texas and to (Geeoorrggiiaa)
They tell you what they want, show you what they want you to see
But they don’t let you know what’s really goin on
Make it look like a lotta stealin goin on
Boy them cops is killas in my home
Nigga shot dead in the middle of the street
I ain’t no thief, I’m just tryin to eat
Man fuck the police and president (Geeoorrrggiiaa) Bush
So what happened to the leveys, why wasn’t they steady
Why wasn’t they able to control this?
I know some fok’ that live by the levey
that keep on tellin me they heard explosions
Same shit happened back in Hurricane Betsy
1965, I ain’t too young to know this
That was President Johnson now
but it’s president (Geeoorrggiiaa) Bush

lols oh god. gotta dl this!

lil wayne is awesome.

the song fucking sucks though.

Gangsta! Down wit da white man! We be makin all da hurricanes y0!

FYI- That song along with the mindset is fucking pathetic.

you’re pathetic. lil wayne is a lyrical genius.

this song is fucking awesome:

so is:

im so sick of shit like that

jay z made something similar to this but much better.

shit like what? the truth?

i’m so sick of black people. since when do they think they have the same rights as other more superior races.

Funny, he doesn’t mention the savages who were shooting at the supply helicoptors as they were trying to drop stuff off.

lil wayne is a fukkin piece of trash.

Also true.

:mamoru: “heard explosions” I would imagine that an ocean breaking a levy wouldn’t exactly be silent…

meh, kanye said it, now lil wayne is backing it up.

the f’ing mayor and governor were having beef so they didnt communicate and hence couldnt act fast enough.

but the president of the united states’ actions at the time didn’t exactly do anything to instill confidence or compassion with anyone, so i guess I’m not surprised of this reaction.

btw- I Make it Rain is fucking awesome


i thought his name was george bush not georgia bush lol

or all the looting going on

edit n/m, he does, but i guess thats not their fault either :bloated:

“Some steal for sport but more steal to eat” -Mos Def

“Yea I sold drugs for a living, thats a given. why is it? why don’t you visit some of the neighborhoods i lived in” -Jay Z