hurricane katrina was bush's fault


I’m not knocking anyone’s ability to convey ideas through words. I am knocking the message and mindset of lyrics that blame ANYTHING outside of Mother Nature for a hurricane.

Shit like this happens ALLLLLLL the time, maybe not to this extent, or media coverage, but floods that have put hundreds out of homes and lives are a part of history. But THIS time a community that compromised mostly of black people with a black mayor who didn’t do shit ( BTW, a MAYOR is in his position to take care and handle his City, NOT THE PRESIDENT!) all of a sudden can only point to a single race of individuals like they’re some fuckin Warlocks who made this shit happen. And based on the first sentence of your thread, you think it’s true!!!

I’ll sum it up for you.

  • Stupidity



if you guys think i’m doing anything besides making a complete mockery of that song, i’ll sum it up for you.

  • Stupidity.