Hurricane Sandy

lock 3

see ya

lock 4


It was right here you big virgin. It was edited.

Lock this gay thread up.


Wherever there is a hurricane you can always count on bartholomew Jenkins to come through with the brew

Already lost power once here and its not even that bad out. Pretty ridiculous actually since its just a little windy, nothing to severe so far.

I watched a squirrel jump the barrier at the 24-23 construction zone, probably out scrounging for food and supplies for his little squirrel family anticipating the storm, lil trooper made it across the west bound lane, ran up the barrier, jumped down and ran right in front of a truck I was following. Duffed the front tire and spit him out spinning around on his back at 60mph, don’t think he made it.

RIP Little Feller.

LAKE GEORGE. heard one of the docks is now gone also!

holy shit

Starting to pick up here in ballston spa, winds taking flashing ff a couple roofs and starting to rain. And thanks to this stupid storm i had to cut my tattoo apt short since shit was flying all over Front st in bspa.

I can almost bank on my area losing power, it happens at least once a year…

Shouldn’t this thread be locked?

Yea LG is deff not doing good lol updated pic with the docks busted and floating!!

Damn that’s unreal!

That last picture is crazy


Oh the horror!!! I would have easily traded it’s parking spot with Cossey’s 996 if I could have forseen this… Would have made out on both ends of that deal… :zip

That’s great.