Gas Prices?

What is the real reason gas prices differ in certain areas? ie: Delta sonic across the street from Taffy’s is $3.05 per gal. and the Delta Sonic on Walden is $2.98? ; Sunoco on the corner of Walden & Union price is $2.99 and the Sunoco on the corner of Milestrip & Southpark it is $3.15?
Why is there a price differance between from the Sunoco on Walden & the Sunoco on Milestrip when they get the same gas from the same company?

Conspiracy. I bet if we all stopped buying

Aw fuck it.

I believe it’s just like most things; in certain areas local retailers are in competition with other local retailers, so they lower their price.

Delta Sonic can go extra low, probably even selling at a slight loss, if they can draw you in for a carwash, which has a great profit margin.

Well there are multiple theories

-Relative distance to the sun.
-Gravitational pull of the moon.
-Some of the stations have it out for you and change the prices back when you leave.
-Blame IRAK
-Because they feel like it.
-It’s all Bushes fault.
-Blame economy car owners as their efficiency is allowing for higher prices.
-Computer error in a spreadsheet, blame microsoft.
-Blames SUVs for killing the dinosaurs
-It’s the cops fault for pulling people over causing them to waste precious gas when idling
-They could have bought it when it was cheaper, thus allowing a profit at a lower cost and attracting more customers in so they can save a total of $0.17 at the pump spending $3 getting there in the first place.

I blame illegals. Lousy freeloading Canadians…

I blame a lack of illegal immigration. If more illegals were allowed to work towards making fuel, this wouldn’t have been a problem in the first place!

That gives me an idea… Is there a way to turn illegal aliens directly into cheap fuel? Two birds with one stone right there.

LOL!!! HAHAHAHA! i’m sure there is!

And easily renewable as who can resist unprotected sex? In 30 years we could have an endless fuel supply to maintain our way of life!

And if there are too many Soylent Green it is.

It cheaper at certain locations because of the lack of SUV’s filling up, it’s the TRUTH!

er not.

I blame under population of dinosaurs resulting in not enough dying to meet our means.

Becuause when gas is 3.12 at one corner and across the street gas is 3.29 and people are still getting gas there, they keep the price up.

I want to see this war in Iraq that is about oil actually be about oil and give us cheap gas again.

i like to pump extra gas for fun these days

it’d be interesting and a slap in the face to most if the war ended with US being the winners clearly… and still nothing happen to gas prices.

Wouldn’t be a slap in the face to me. I have no expectations of the war affecting gas prices. :gotme:

Gas just went up here to 2.83 a gal, I thought it was just because of bike week. But I guess not. Funny how prices are record high and so his Exxon’s profits.

im pretty sure it would be competition between the surrounding gas stations near by. also with the delta sonic being cheaper because of the car washes

Wouldn’t matter, knowing full well that we’ll pay over $3 a gallon and not make any lifestyle changes why would you lower the price even if oil happened to be $10 a barrel?

they have us by the balls. they can charge what ever the fuck they want becuase we dont have any choice but to buy it.

The thing with gas prices is it is a consumer commodity. You want to know who makes the gas prices? you and I. That’s who. It is the stock holders and consumers. The owners of the petroleum companies are keeping their prices in competition with the world market. If a manager at a gas station says fuck this and lowers gas by .20 a gallon, his ass is fired. It has nothing to do with the owners of the location where you buy the fuel. Also, NYS has a MASSIVE tax (no surprise) on gas. People keep complaining about gas prices and blame big oil and this and that but they do not realize that “big oil” works on the supply and demand premise. If they sell too much, then they have low levels of fuel and drive prices up. If they sell too little, the make it cheaper, which then sells tons of gas and they make their levels low, then forcing them to drive prices up again. It is a continuing cycle. I love how the politicians blame the oil companies for the prices, yet they are the ones who vote to keep them from building more refineries and further drilling and exploring our oilfields here in the US, which would drastically lower gas prices.